In 1803, Stuttgart, W?rttemberg was proclaimed capital of the Electorate (avoided an elector at the moment) until the collapse of Napoleon, the Holy Roman Empire in 1805 near Stuttgart, the capital of the Kingdom of Wurttemberg. At these times, you could still dream of electric scooters . The royal residence has been expanded under Frederick I of W?rttemberg, although many of the most important building in Stuttgart, including William Palace, Catherine Hospital, the State Gallery, the Villa Berg and K?nigsbau were built during the reign of King William I
The city's motto is "Stuttgart is more" (for tourists, the business it describes itself as "Future" is classified, translated by town hall marketing as "Where Business Meets the Future") . Taken in 2007 Mayor of Stuttgart to foreign investors as "the creative power of Germany." According to current plans to improve transport links to the international infrastructure (as part of the project Stuttgart 21), introduced in March 2008, the city has a new logo and slogan, describing itself as "The new heart of Europe" ( "The new heart Europe ").
Stuttgart has a continental climate. Contribute in the summer months, the nearby Black Forest and Swabian Jura hills like a sign from severe weather, but the city can therefore be dealt with thunderstorms in the summer months and periods of several days of snow in the winter. Especially in the summer you can take a electric scooters is something special. The center of the city by the locals as "Shell" (by the boiler) experience severe heat in summer and less snow in winter, when the suburbs. Since he is not in the middle of the European continent, the temperature between day and night or summer and in winter be extreme. Stuttgart is located, on average 1693 hours of sunshine per year.
During the Revolution of 1848/1849, a democratic pan-German national parliament (Frankfurt Parliament) was founded in Frankfurt in order to overcome the division of Germany. After lengthy discussions, the Parliament decided to give the title of German Emperor to King Frederick William IV of Prussia. As the democratic movement became weaker, the German princes to regain control of their independent states. Finally the Prussian king declined the revolutionaries offer. The members of Parliament were expelled from Frankfurt and the most radical members (who wanted to found a republic) fled to Stuttgart. A short time later, this rump parliament was dissolved by the W?rttemberg military.
Under the Nazi regime began to deport the Jewish population of Stuttgart in 1939. Around sixty percent of the German-Jewish population had fled by the time restrictions on their movements on 1 Introduced in October 1941, were forced at what point in Wurttemberg living Jews live in "Jewish homes" before they "focused" on the former fair grounds in Killesberg. On 1 December 1941, the first deportation trains to Riga organized. Only 180 Jews from W?rttemberg held in concentration camps survived.
Stuttgart) covers an area of 207 km2 (80 sq. mi. The height ranges from 207 m (680 ft) above sea level to 549 m of Neckar (1.801 ft) above Bernhartsh?he hill. As a result there are more than 400 staircases in the city (so-called "St?ffele" in local dialect), which is about 20 km (12 miles) of steps. Many come from a time when vineyards lined the entire valley comes. Vineyards Even today, there are fewer than 500 meters (1640 ft) from the central station.
The first known settlement in Stuttgart was the end of the 1st Century with the founding of a Roman fort in the modern district of Cannstatt, on the banks of the Neckar AD. At the beginning of the third century the Romans were pressed by the Alemanni on the Rhine and the Danube. Although nothing about Cannstatt in the period from Barbarian Invasion it is assumed that the area remain as it is mentioned in the Abbey of St. Gallen, archives from the year 700 AD known inhabited.
Stuttgart coat of arms shows a black horse on its hind legs on a yellow background. It was used for the first time in its current form in 1938, before these various designs and colors were used, often with two horses. The canting seal shown here reflects the origin of the name "Stuttgart". The name in Old High German as "stuotgarten ', with' stuot means" mare, later allied with the Old English term stod '(Modern English: "Stud") in relation to the breeding of horses. The Old High German word "garden", and the connection to the site of the original settlement. The logo of the Porsche automobile company has a modified version of the coat of arms of Stuttgart in the middle.